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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Malted Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips

How to make Malted Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips Recipe - We have a love/hate relationship with this addictive snack. Addiction that’s the hate part. But what’s not to love? They are addictive because they taste so damn good. The secret here is the 24-hour soak.

4 baker, or Russet, potatoes, 1/2 pound (225 g) each, washed and unpeeled
2 cups (475 ml) malted vinegar
Coarse sea salt, for seasoning
Oil, for frying

Mandoline with a waffle attachment, deep fryer, mesh skimmer (spider)
Note: If you do not have a mandoline or a waffle cutter attachment, this recipes works as traditional potato chips. Slice them as thin as possible, about 1/8 inch (3 mm).

Set the waffle attachment on the mandoline to about 1/8 inch (3 mm). Holding a potato at about a 45-degree angle, slide the potato down the mandoline to make the first cut and then turn the potato so the next cut is diagonal to the first. Return to the starting position and repeat, maintaining a 45-degree angle. This will give you long chips.

Place the sliced potatoes in a deep container and run cold water over them, swishing them around to remove the excess starch. Pour the vinegar over the potatoes and let soak for 24 hours, covered and refrigerated. Remove from refrigerator, strain the potatoes, and lay out on a tray lined with paper towels or a paper bag to try to get rid of the excess water.

Preheat fryer to 350°F (180°C). When the fryer is hot, carefully slide the chips one by one directly into the fryer (don’t use baskets), cooking 15 to 20 at a time so as not to overcrowd them. With a mesh skimmer or spider, gently move the chips around to ensure even cooking.

Cook for 2 to 3 minutes until light golden (chips will continue to cook a bit as they cool). Using the skimmer, transfer the chips from the fryer to a tray lined with paper towels or a paper bag. Season with sea salt and serve immediately. YIELD: About 12 cups, or 8 servings
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